Painting Maintenance

Taking care of your property’s paint job is crucial to keeping it looking fresh and vibrant for years to come. At George. Painting, we understand the importance of maintaining your newly painted surfaces to maximize their lifespan and avoid unnecessary expenses. Here are our top tips for interior and exterior paintwork maintenance:


Clean after two weeks:

It is recommended to clean the painted surfaces two weeks after the final top coat application to remove any collected dust.

Washable paints:

Most interior wall paints are washable. Use a mild soap water solution and a sponge to lightly scrub areas with light stains or marks. Promptly clean up any stains to prevent them from becoming permanent.

Frequent cleaning:

Regularly clean and wash walls once a month to maintain the appearance of the paint job. For areas prone to dirt and marks, such as children’s rooms, consider getting a single coat of paint done every two years.

Check for peeling paint:

Regularly inspect your walls for signs of peeling paint, as it could indicate underlying issues like water damage or seepage problems. Seek professional advice from a painting contractor and address any damage immediately.

Maintain areas exposed to sunlight:

Apply a single coat of paint to windows and door frames every two years to preserve their shine and protect them from the sun’s effects.


Regular inspections:

Routinely inspect the exterior of your property for any changes or irregularities. If you notice peeling paint or other issues, consult a professional contractor to address the problem promptly.

Check window sills and door frames:

Monitor these areas for bubbles and fading, sanding them back if necessary and applying a fresh coat of paint every two years to maintain their new appearance.

Wash down the exterior:

Occasional washing of the exterior is essential to prevent dirt buildup. Use a garden hose and a soft brush for normal pressure washing, as high-pressure washing may damage the paint finish. Annual washing is often recommended by paint manufacturers and applicators.

Be proactive:

Undertake regular exterior maintenance to prolong the lifespan of your paint job and reduce the need for frequent repainting. Neglecting maintenance tasks, including annual washing, may void warranties provided by paint manufacturers and applicators.

By following these maintenance tips, you can ensure that your property’s paint job remains in excellent condition, enhancing its aesthetic appeal and saving you money in the long run. Trust George.Painting for professional painting services and expert advice on maintaining your investment.

Interior Maintenance

Making sure your interior paint-jobs are clear, clean and durable helps to improve the look of your overall home

Exterior Maintenance

By checking your external paint and house material quality, you will help your home withstand the environmental conditions for longer